11 Mayıs 2020 Pazartesi

''Pirates'' Refuge OLYMPOS

Olympos, which was founded in the third century BC, was a densely populated, as evidenced by the fact that it had 3 votes in the Lycian League Council and a strong settlement economically. In the first century BC, it became a place for pirates thanks to its sheltered position. It was used as a base by the leader of the pirates Zeniketes who frightened the Mediterranean people for a long time and it began to be called “the city of pirates”. This situation continued until 78 BC when it was captured by the famous Roman commander Servilius Isauricus and turned into a Roman city.

The ancient city of Olympos takes its name from Tahtalı mountain, formerly known as Mount Olympos. Tahtalı Mountain is located 10 km north of the city and on its foothills it contains a never-ending fire known as Yanartaş today. While Olympos (Olympos) was an important member city of the Lycian region. i.ö.1.yy. Like the neighboring city of Phaselis, Olympos was occupied by pirate.Olympos is a city that integrates with its topography and draws attention due to its location. Located in the deep valley where the steep slopes of the region reaching the shore meet the Mediterranean, flowing through the middle of Olympos, Olympos Stream is an important element that adds character to the city. Accordingly, the water resources in the city show that Olympos was planned by considering all these elements together.

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