10 Mayıs 2020 Pazar


28 km from Iasos Milas. It was established on a peninsula in Kıyıkışlacık Village at a distance. Excavations have been carried out regularly in the ancient city of Iasos since 1960. As a result of these excavations, many buildings were unearthed and the oldest settlement in the city BC. It was determined that it extends until the end of the 3 millennium (Middle Bronze Age).
  The important structures of the city, Agora, Bouleuterion, Theater, Acropolis, Mosaic House, Temple of Artemis, are located on the peninsula. Tombs of the Bronze Age were unearthed in the area where the agora is located. The big wall, aqueducts, graves and the monumental tomb, called the fish market, are the structures located outside the peninsula.

The important structure of the city is located in the flat part of the city Agora. Its total span is 107x87 meters. The present entrance, which has four entrances over time, belongs to the Byzantine Period. In this area, structures belonging to more than one period are in a row. These periods range from Early Bronze Age I (3300-3000 BC) to Late Byzantine (1261-1453 AD).
There are various small sacred structures and altars in the middle of the agora. The porticoes (stoa) surrounding the four sides of the area are MS. It is from the construction activities in the 2nd century.
Construction of city walls BC. It is probably dated to the period when the city took over by the Hekatomnos family in the 4th century. The walls are 2 km. long. On the southern slopes of the hill, there is a much more showy house on a natural terrace than others. MS. The building, which was built in the 2nd century, contains Hellenistic architectural elements. Necropolis in the city BC. AD from the second half of the 2nd century. It was used continuously until the 4th century.

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