Milattan Sonra 117-138 yılları arasında yapıldığı tahmin edilmektedir. Akropolün güney eteğine yaslanmış olan yapı “U” form veren iki katlı bir çeşme / yapı kompleksidir. Kireç taşlarından inşaa edilmiş yapının genişliği 21 metredir. Çeşmenin yer aldığı cephenin her iki tarafında, üzeri kasetli tonozla örtülmüş iki geçit aracılığıyla Akropol‘e çıkılmaktadır. Restorasyon çalışmaları dahilinde, çeşmenin eski ihtişamına kavuşması ve suyla buluşturulması planlanmaktadır.
It is estimated that it was built between 117-138 BC. Leaning against the southern skirt of the acropolis, the building is a two-storey fountain / structure complex that gives “U” form. The structure, built of limestone, is 21 meters wide. The Acropolis is reached by two passages covered with tape vaults on both sides of the facade on which the fountain is located. Within the restoration works, the fountain is planned to regain its former glory and meet with water.
It is estimated that it was built between 117-138 BC. Leaning against the southern skirt of the acropolis, the building is a two-storey fountain / structure complex that gives “U” form. The structure, built of limestone, is 21 meters wide. The Acropolis is reached by two passages covered with tape vaults on both sides of the facade on which the fountain is located. Within the restoration works, the fountain is planned to regain its former glory and meet with water.