Kentin adı bilinen fakat tespit edilemeyen Sandallion, Minassos, Tityassos gibi kentlerden birisi olduğu düşünülmektedir. Şehir Hellenistik dönemde kurulmuştur. Eğimli arazide yer alan kentin güney tarafı surla çevrili, kuzey tarafında ise yüksek bir kayalık bulunmaktadır. Kente girişte iki yandaki kayalara Sagalassos’da olduğu gibi nişler oyularak ostotekler (külkabı) yapılmıştır. Kentin doğu ve batı yamacında teraslar oluşturularak yapılar yerleştirilmiştir. Güneydeki geniş düzlükte 5 sıra oturma basamaklı at nalı biçimli toplantı alanı, doğusunda işlevi belli olmayan kentin en büyük binası bulunur. Tapınak olabilecek bir yapı ve haç planlı bir şapel yer alır. Kentte lahit mezar ve kapak üzerine mezar sahibinin işlendiği iki adet lahit kapağı ve heykeller yer almaktadır. Heykeller Isparta müzesine nakledilmiştir. Kentin güneybatısında antik basamaklarla ulaşılan doğal bir mağara bulunur. Mağara muhtemelen bir kutsal alan olmalıdır.
The city is thought to be one of the cities with known but undetectable cities such as Sandallion, Minassos, Tityassos. The city was founded in the Hellenistic period. The south side of the city, which is located on the sloping land, is surrounded by a city wall, and on the north side there is a high rocky area. At the entrance to the city, as in Sagalassos, ostoteks were made on the rocks on both sides by carving niches. On the east and west slope of the city, terraces were created and structures were placed. Horseshoe-shaped meeting area with 5 rows of seating steps on the wide plain in the south, and the largest building of the city with no function in the east. There is a structure that can be a temple and a chapel with a crucifix plan. In the city, there are sarcophagus and two sarcophagus lids and sculptures on which the grave owner is engraved. The sculptures were transferred to the Isparta museum. In the southwest of the city, there is a natural cave reached by ancient steps. The cave should probably be a sanctuary.
The city is thought to be one of the cities with known but undetectable cities such as Sandallion, Minassos, Tityassos. The city was founded in the Hellenistic period. The south side of the city, which is located on the sloping land, is surrounded by a city wall, and on the north side there is a high rocky area. At the entrance to the city, as in Sagalassos, ostoteks were made on the rocks on both sides by carving niches. On the east and west slope of the city, terraces were created and structures were placed. Horseshoe-shaped meeting area with 5 rows of seating steps on the wide plain in the south, and the largest building of the city with no function in the east. There is a structure that can be a temple and a chapel with a crucifix plan. In the city, there are sarcophagus and two sarcophagus lids and sculptures on which the grave owner is engraved. The sculptures were transferred to the Isparta museum. In the southwest of the city, there is a natural cave reached by ancient steps. The cave should probably be a sanctuary.